
Location and Date: Copenhagen, 2012

Agile project management is as radically different from traditional project management as agile processes are different from traditional methodologies. Rather than plan, instruct and direct, the agile project manager facilitates, coaches and leads. This person is called a ScrumMaster.
The purpose of this course is to train ScrumMasters. The participants will learn how to make a development team, a project, or an organization agile. Exercises, case studies, and examples are used to bring home the realization of how to be a successful ScrumMaster.

Learning Goals

Each individual is trained to be able to assume the following responsibilities:

  • Remove the barriers between development and the customer
  • Teach the customer how to maximize ROI and meet their objectives through Scrum
  • Improve the working conditions for the development team
  • Improve the productivity of the development team
  • Improve the engineering practices and tools so each increment of functionality is potentially shippable

Target Audience and Preconditions

To participate in the Scrum Certification course it is necessary for the participant to have a basic understanding of project management, together with a desire to learn more about Scrum; how you use it and how it’s implemented in an organization. The participants may be project managers, administrative managers, developers or similar who have experience with projects that develops or improves products or services.